Five Online Tools to Ace Your Job Search

Five Online Tools to Ace Your Job Search

Once upon a time, a job search was a very physical and arduous process. It often involved a visit to the library to scour the papers and a physically-demanding trek from one prospective workplace to the next, making enquiries and handing over CVs.

No longer, thank goodness! Although some aspects of technology, such as the ATS, have made it trickier for the jobseeker, in general its advancement has opened up many opportunities to define and realise our career goals. In this week’s blog, I’d like to share five time-saving and powerful tools that can support and enhance your job search.


The photo you use to represent you on LinkedIn and other social platforms will invite an instant judgement about you as a potential hire, so it is important to get it right. You can read up on photo blunders to avoid here, but to be really confident about your image choice, check out PhotoFeeler.

The site allows you to seek constructive, customised feedback on potential images, along with trait-based ratings from the carefully-moderated community. Community members can rate you as Competent (Smart, Capable), Likeable (Friendly, Kind), and Influential (Leading, In Charge), and add quick notes on how you come across in photos, along with suggestions to improve your presentation. It’s a free service, in that you earn credits by voting on other users’ photos, then spend them by seeking feedback on your one photo.


Dropbox, Google Docs, and other cloud-based file hosting solutions allow you to access your files wherever you are. In the midst of a job search, it’s a good idea to have ready access to your CV, cover letter, and application materials, enabling you to edit and use them, anytime, anywhere.

You can even create a specific folder for your CV, include and share the link with others as necessary, so that they always have access to the most up-to-date version.Include a range of file types including .doc and .pdf files to ensure you can readily meet target employers’ requirements.

Google Alerts

Keep your finger on the pulse during your job search via Google Alerts. This free tool is quick and easy to set up and will keep you informed of any newly-indexed ‘stories’ on your chosen subject, sending news direct to your inbox. You could set up an alert for your target employer, a specific industry keyword, industry thought leaders, or your own name.


Creating an email signature is easy, it can be free, and it brings a truckload of professionalism to your job search. During any job search, your personal email account will be red hot with traffic, as you send emails to recruiters, gatekeepers, and those within your existing network to secure your next position. This represents a lot of opportunities to promote yourself and your career goals. Using an email signature in your job search is like handing your personal business card to everyone you engage with.

WiseStamp is an email signature generation tool that offers both free and paid-for services to suit your needs. It’s easy to use, allowing you to create and embed a professional email signature in a matter of minutes.

Canva / Picmonkey

One of LinkedIn’s underused features is the background image. This banner image sits at the very top of your profile, behind your profile image, name, and headline. This used to be a Premium feature, but has since been rolled out to free accounts. If your LinkedIn background image is still blank, fill it today. It’s a quick job that can make all the difference to how you are seen on LinkedIn.

Customise Canva’s ready-to-go templates to create a bright and engaging background that brings immediate visual appeal to your profile. The right image can convey an instant message about you, that will be reinforced by your profile content. Alternatively, you can create a banner in PicMonkey (1400 by 425 pixels), which is another intuitive tool.


In today’s job search, it’s more likely that your motivation will wane and your fingers get sore rather than your shoes wear out. Still, there’s always a way to make things easier and I hope these five free power tools will sprinkle a little creative magic, as you seek your next role.

Googled yourself recently? Like what you found?

Googled yourself recently? Like what you found?

I caught a television news interview with an anti-doping expert this week and, whilst her words and delivery were convincing, my attention strayed to the background behind her. I got the impression she was filming herself from her own computer, sat at her desk with a home office set-up visible in the background.

Like many home offices, shelving dominated, packed with files, books, and other paraphernalia that gets called upon in the course of day-to-day work. I could make out the titles of several books that corroborated her title and stance – books on sports and how they were governed. She wasn’t focusing on what was behind her but, nevertheless, this lady’s physical background gave depth to her interview and played a role in increasing her credibility.

Her physical background had me convinced, however, if I’d remembered her name and Googled her, I’m sure I’d be rewarded with countless matches – from her organisation, from LinkedIn, from industry events, interviews, and more.

It got me thinking about the ‘background’ candidates consciously and inadvertently present online, and how it affects their employability.

The purpose of a background search of any kind is to discover more about an individual. Today, a simple Google search on a specific candidate can throw up a tonne of relevant information or nothing at all. Both of these scenarios can lead recruiters and hiring managers to draw their own conclusions.

A positive background search will enable the searcher to verify information they already hold, so that they can be positive you are who you say you are. It should also allow them to uncover additional evidence of your skills, experience, and potential, thus building your case for employment.

An unsuccessful background search will leave the searcher scratching their head, unable to verify the stated facts presented on your CV. They may even struggle to find you online at all, leaving them wondering about your lack of profile.

CareerBuilder’s 2015 social media recruitment survey found that 51% of hiring managers use search engines to research candidates and more than a third (35%) of employers are less likely to interview candidates they can’t find online. Once found, employers aren’t necessarily looking for information to rule you out, as six in 10 surveyed are “looking for information that supports their qualifications for the job” and 32% of those surveyed found information which supported the candidate’s application.

So, how should you take charge of your personal search results and ensure that the returns play out in your favour? Here are five areas of digital turf you can confidently ring-fence for your job search:

#1 LinkedIn

Technically, this could be combined with point #2, yet LinkedIn is so important, I felt it deserved its own section. LinkedIn often dominates search results for individual names, so maintaining a LinkedIn profile that is clearly about you is essential to return a positive match.

First of all, make sure you have a LinkedIn profile, then check that your name, headline, photo, and industry details are clearly about you, rather than a namesake.

Next, check that your LinkedIn profile is complete, verifying and enhancing the information already presented on your CV. If you are confident in displaying a comprehensive profile to a broad professional network, this can reassure the searcher, convincing them of your sincerity and reputation. LinkedIn recommendations and endorsements will also enhance your standing.

To provide deeper insight, consider using LinkedIn’s publishing feature, showcasing a video or interview on your profile, or engaging in LinkedIn groups.

#2 Social Media

Do each and every one of your social bios reflect your professional offering and status, as outlined on your CV?

Are you tweeting about the latest industry news, sharing tips or photos from industry events, or interacting with individuals and organisations with the same professional interests?

Are you showcasing your visual portfolio on Pinterest or Instagram, or involved in relevant Twitter chats and communities on Google+? Are you sharing relevant video tips or insights on YouTube?

Social media timelines offer a real-time insight into your interests and activities, highlighting your thoughts and focus right now. This is invaluable for recruiters and would-be employers hoping to discover more of the real you.

If a search only throws up unconnected social chatter, it won’t support your professional profile, and may even put your reputation at risk. Double check purely social profiles are kept private, and that public profiles reflect your professional goals.

#3 Blog or Personal Website

Perhaps you blog or have a personal website. If so, check it’s up to date and reflects your current professional interests and aspirations. If you don’t have a dedicated site on which to share your professional musings, consider using LinkedIn Publisher as a platform.

#4 Organisational Profiles

Your current organisation may feature your bio on their website, and this can be telling in more ways than one. If it doesn’t reflect your here and now, consider a refresh to make sure it does. Earlier this year, I read a jokey bio that had the potential to disrupt the candidate’s job search. Luckily we located and addressed it before her job search got properly underway.

#5 Industry Events

If you’ve been invited to speak at an industry event, your bio may feature on the event website, so make sure it reflects your main messages and the professional strengths you want to promote. Even if you haven’t been invited to present, you can engage on event forums or share event highlights on your social profiles, linking yourself as someone interested in lifelong learning and development.

Social media and your job search – Tony Restell tells all

Social media and your job search – Tony Restell tells all

0ebcb6fOn the podcast last week, I was delighted to interview Tony Restell, social recruiting entrepreneur and founder of specialist social media marketing agency

The topic was social media and the job search, and I asked Tony how candidates can best position themselves using social media in 2015.

We covered:

>> How recruiters are sourcing candidates via social media in 2015;

>> How active candidates should best engage with would-be recruiters on social media;

>> How passive candidates should best present their social media profiles;

>> The best social media platforms for candidates to focus their efforts on in 2015;

>> Dos and don’ts for candidates using social media;

>> How candidates can engage on social media whilst keeping their job search under wraps

This interview was such a treat to host, and I’m excited to share Tony’s brilliant insights here via a full transcript of our podcast interview. Enjoy!


LM:      Hello, I’m Lis McGuire, and I’m delighted to be here today with Tony Restell, social recruiting entrepreneur and founder of specialist social media marketing agency, Tony specialises in helping recruiting and career industry businesses to build their brand through social media, positioning them to attract candidates and recruit top talent. As such, Tony and his team are uniquely placed to understand the challenges of recruiting through social media, and to tell us how recruiters anticipate candidates will engage on LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus and Facebook.  Tony, welcome, thank you so much for joining us today.

TR:       Good morning, Lis, thanks very much for inviting me.

LM:      Great to have you here. Perhaps first of all you’d like to just give our listeners a bit of an overview about yourself and your career and what you’re doing.

TR:       Yeah, certainly. I’ve been in online recruitment and working with recruiters and employers since 2000, actually, so I started my career in management consultancy out of university, and then I set up a specialist job board in 2000, serving the management consultancy sector, sold that business to Jobsite in the Daily Mail two years back, and then stayed within online recruitment with Jobsite as one of their executives for a few years, so I’ve been working in that space for the best part of 15 years. What I obviously saw happening as the years went past were the rise of social platforms, the rise of social tools and approaches that were really being embraced by recruiters and by direct employer brands as a means of attracting and engaging with candidates. That’s what led me to set up Social-Hire within the last years, we could obviously see more and more companies wanting to invest in that as a principle strategy in reaching candidates, attracting candidates, ultimately hiring candidates.

LM:      Absolutely, and I was reading the Social-Hire story this week, and it’s just interesting to see how that in itself has evolved.

TR:       Yes. I mean, it’s been my experience in all the businesses I’ve been involved with that you go out into the market thinking your business will be one thing, and then as you spend more and more time with people in the market, your idea of what people will want evolves over time and yeah, certainly we’ve been through that journey with Social-Hire. It started out as a networking platform for candidates and recruiters to interact with each other, but actually started getting more and more approaches from recruiting brands, wanting to know how we’d built our presence on social medial to be so significant, compare us alongside someone like LinkedIn or ERE and in a lot of instances on social media, our content is being shared as much as theirs, even though we’re a small business, so we have lots of recruiting teams approaching us saying, how have you achieved this? Could we bring you in as consultants to help us figure out how to do this? Could we outsource this to you or could you come and be trainers in our business? That’s taken us to the position we are today, which is where we actually run a social media presence on behalf of recruiting teams on an outsource basis.

LM:      What I really like is the way that you still maintain elements that you’ve brought to the recruitment industry all along, so I mean for candidates, Social-Hire still continues to offer fantastic resources on all aspects of the job search and Social-Hire continues to connect people in relevant spaces, so it’s a really, really useful website to visit.

TR:       Thank you, and it’s a part of the business that I really love, and I’m invited a lot by business schools and careers services around Europe to go and present to their MBAs and their undergrads, to give them an understanding of how the hiring market has changed over the last few years, and what that means they need to be doing differently, so although it’s not the main thing that pays the bills in our business, it’s something that I get a lot of pleasure from, so always happy to help there where I can.

LM:      Fantastic, and very, very valuable. Okay, so as we mentioned Social-Hire supports recruiters to develop effective social media strategies and helps them to acquire candidates. From the other side of the fence, I wonder if you can tell us – using your insight – if you’re a candidate, how should you best engage with would be recruiters on social media?


TR:       Well, I think you have to be aware of the different ways that both employers and recruitment agencies are using social media in order to understand how that can benefit your own job search. I would highlight three key things that candidates need to be aware of. The first is that a lot of businesses now are building up a big audience or readership of their own by having social media profiles for their recruiting teams that have very significant following. So where five, ten years ago, a company would have to go to a job board or to the email newsletter of an industry publication to advertise the fact that they wanted to hire people, today in a lot of instances, those companies have big candidate followings of their own that they can market those positions to, or careers events or careers fairs directly, so it’s very important within whichever industry you operate in to look out the social media profiles of the companies in your sector, especially if they have dedicated recruiting team or careers profiles for their business. That’s one big change.

The second big change is that companies generally are advertising fewer positions and are finding their ideal hires and approaching them directly on social media more and more. You have to have a profile on the major sites, and I’m talking here specifically LinkedIn, but also Google Plus in terms of being able to be found by recruiters and approached directly. It’s important you have a really compelling profile that dovetails and mirrors your CV or your resume, but also that has the right keywords and the right headline that will appeal to recruiters. The third big change which is happening a bit more behind the scenes is that a lot of companies are now investing in social referral technologies which are essentially the employee referral programmes of old where companies love to hire people that are recommended by their existing staff, but the new tools that a lot of companies now have available to them allow their employees to plug in all their social networks and as soon as the company has a new position they want to fill, those platforms will go out and will hunt for candidates that look like a perfect match amongst the networks of any of their existing employees.

Those employees will then be invited to send a message to those candidates inviting them to apply for the role, so again that is driven from what content there is on your social media profiles. Are you going to come up as a match for these types of jobs or aren’t you, and I see a lot of candidates who haven’t thoroughly filled out their LinkedIn profile, for example, but they’re not even aware of the fact that they’re missing out on lots of opportunities in their industry simply because employee referral programmes aren’t finding them, and recruiters who are searching directly on LinkedIn aren’t finding them because they haven’t taken the time to fill that out. Does that help answer the question?

LM:      Yeah, absolutely. I mean, even if you’re a passive candidate, even if you’re not thinking, I’m looking for a job in the next six months, 12 months, it’s still important to be ready because your ideal opportunity could actually be checking you out rather than the other way round.

TR:       Absolutely, and I’ve seen some studies in the last few months suggesting that over half of executive roles now are being filled without ever being advertised, so they’re all being filled by the kinds of mechanisms that we’ve just been talking about. If you’re a passive candidate, if you’re someone who isn’t desperate to move, but equally you’d like to be approached by really interesting positions in your industry, one of the key things to making that happen is making sure that your profiles are always kept optimised for the types of roles you would like to be considered for.

LM:      Absolutely. Touching on another point you mentioned, I guess the fact that recruiters and companies, recruiting teams who have these social media followings, that they can readily market new positions to, I guess for candidates means that the actual whole recruitment timespan is a lot faster. I’m guessing if you’re not engaging and you’re thinking you’re coming to apply for a role which is advertised, you’ve got a lot shorter timeframe to actually do that within.

TR:       Yes, I’d agree with that, and also another factor is, go back five or ten years and if you were doing a good job of monitoring all the job boards in your industry, you probably would have been aware of most of the opportunities in your industry, whereas today, the most likely thing is that companies try to approach candidates directly or they market the opportunities on their own social media profiles before they turn to job boards at all. There’ll be a lot of roles even where they are being advertised where the only place the company is mentioning them is on social media, and if you haven’t taken the time to follow those companies’ profiles and you haven’t filled out all of your details on the various social media, you’re simply never going to be aware of them.

Another thing that’s happening is companies are targeting adverts using, for example, Facebook or Twitter, and they’re putting job adverts in front of their ideal candidates, so they’re saying to Facebook, okay, this is the profile of the person that we want this job advert to be shown to, but if your Facebook profile doesn’t have the information on it that’s needed for that company’s targeting to therefore target you, that job advert will never show up in your feed.

LM:      So you’re doing yourself out of the opportunity before you’ve even started.

TR:       Absolutely, and it’s a really fun part when I’m presenting at business schools and I say, you’ve got to have on your Facebook profile information about where you are based, your age, who you work for and you want to be using Facebook to like and comment on things in your industry, because those are the types of metrics that companies are using to target their adverts at people. The students always say, oh, but Facebook, that’s for me personally, I don’t want recruiters looking at my Facebook profile. Well, they don’t have to look at your Facebook profile, all they need to do is be able to tell Facebook to advertise roles to the types of people they want to reach, and if you haven’t given Facebook that information, you’ll never be considered as someone that company wants to reach.

LM:      That’s so interesting. Are there any actual rising stars in terms of the best social media platforms for candidates to focus their efforts on? What are companies focusing their efforts on to attract candidates?

TR:       Well, I think there’s a difference between wanting to get noticed and then you proactively going and starting conversation. I think for the purposes of getting noticed, it’s absolutely critical that your LinkedIn profile is perfect, that it’s been keyword optimised so that recruiters are going to find it when they search for the candidates for the types of jobs that you would like to be considered for. I would say once you’ve done that job of perfecting the profile on LinkedIn, it isn’t very much effort to replicate that on Google Plus. There are a lot of smaller businesses out there who don’t have a LinkedIn recruiter licence and who therefore aren’t necessarily using LinkedIn to find and approach candidates, whereas on Google Plus they can find candidates and they can approach them free, so I would suggest you want to have a presence on both of those.

That’s for your profile being found, but I would say if you want to be more proactive in your industry and actually start conversations with hiring managers, with recruiting decision makers, or just more generally be better networked with people in your industry, I would say Twitter is the site that is most often overlooked or discounted as being a business site, but where you can actually generate results the quickest. I always say to people if they’ve got no social media presence today and they want results quickly, I would put your efforts into Twitter before anything else, because I think that’s where you can generate conversations and meetings and calls faster than anywhere else.

LM:      Yeah, it’s a great platform to approach people quickly and people tend to respond quickly as well, so it’s kind of got that intimacy about it.

TR:       That’s absolutely right, and most people who are active on Twitter will probably be on there every day, whereas on LinkedIn people are on there once or twice a month and recruiters on LinkedIn are approached a lot. The trouble with LinkedIn is – and you know this yourself from your own interactions, I’m sure – when someone contacts you on LinkedIn, it requires a lengthy, thought out response. It takes quite a lot of time to interact with people on LinkedIn because it’s effectively a business email solution, so you can’t just quickly interact with people. That obviously reduces the amount of interactions there can be between people, whereas Twitter, because of the character limits, people respond very quickly. I will very often go from having my first ever interaction with a business on Twitter to having a call or a meeting scheduled 24 hours later, and that’s because of the speed at which you start having conversations and that snowballs into something more significant, it’s just so fast on Twitter.

LM:      I definitely agree, that’s really useful insights, so thank you. I wanted to ask you, from your perspective, are there any definite dos and don’ts for using social media if you’re a candidate in a job search scenario?

TR:       Yeah, there are a few things I would stress. The first is try to be active on social media before you need it, and what I mean by that is, I see a lot of job seekers who come onto social media and it’s quite clear that they’ve suddenly found themselves in a position where they need to find a job fast. Maybe there’ve been redundancies or maybe they’ve just missed out on a promotion or something’s happened that means they’ve decided they need to move quickly. Often you’ll see candidates reaching out to people on social media and their first interaction is, I’m eager to move, can you help me, something along those lines. The trouble with that approach is it gets a very low conversion rate.

If you’ve got to know someone, you’ve built up a bit of a rapport with them, you’ve had some exchanges on Twitter or Google Plus or wherever, and then two, three, four months down the line, having helped them a bit, having had some interactions, you then turn to them and ask them for help, it’s very likely that they’ll help you, but if they’ve never met you before, they’ve never interacted with you before and the first thing they get from you is a request for help in a job search, it tends to fall on deaf ears. I always recommend to people when I’m presenting on social media from a candidate perspective, get on there today. Come the time that you actually need social media to help you in a job search, you’ve already built up relationships and goodwill, trust and respect within your industry, and you’ve got contacts that you can call on for help, that’s the absolute key thing.

Linked to that is another issue which is don’t appear desperate. There’s a fine line between using social media to start conversations, to get interviews, to have people look at your CV versus actually coming across as desperate to be hired, and I see a lot of candidates also straying over that line and effectively deterring employers from being interested in them by just being that slight bit too desperate in what they’re saying on social media or what the headline of their LinkedIn profile is, or the way that they’re interacting. Does that all make sense?

LM:      That’s great advice, thank you, Tony. Referring back to what you said about starting your interactions with recruiters before you’re actually job searching, I think it’s Harvey Mackay who said, dig your well before you’re thirsty, and I think that really applies in this scenario, so have a bit of foresight. So if you’re engaging with recruiters and employers on social media in the ways we’ve discussed, is there a chance that your interaction won’t actually make it up the chain of command to the hiring manager, to the person who’s actually going to see your CV at the end of it all?

TR:       I mean, I would stress in terms of job search, one of the biggest challenges is to actually get your CV looked at, or for you as a candidate to be considered in the first place by someone in the company that you want to join, so having anyone in the business act as a referee for you, who’s going to put forward your CV to whoever the decision maker is with a recommendation that this is a candidate worth looking at, that’s already massively increased your chances of being hired. If you think of a typical job advert, whether that’s advertised on LinkedIn or a job board or wherever else, you’re talking about recruiters probably having hundreds of applications to consider for any given position. They’re going to swing through those CVs, they’re going to sift out a lot of them in a short space of time, so anything you can do that gets yours to be one of the CVs that’s looked at more seriously and that propels your chances of getting an interview, is highly worthwhile. You’re right, you’re not always going to be interacting necessarily with the person who has the authority to decide that you should definitely be on the shortlist, but it’s all a numbers game. If you’re striking up enough relationships with enough of the people in the companies you want to join, a good number of those are going to pay dividends for you.

LM:      And I guess also, building that rapport will get you to know more about the company culture, to understand more about what’s going on for them and by following their social media activity you can understand what’s relevant now to that company.

TR:       Absolutely right. How much stronger a position are you in when you do get to interview if you know a lot of the things that have been key concerns and opportunities and wins for the business over the last few weeks. The more time you spend on social media, the more you realise you can get real insights into what’s happening in companies through the conversations that are going on there.

LM:      That’s really valuable advice. Okay, so if you’re a candidate and you’re following these tips that we’ve just been discussing, what about if you’re trying to keep your job search under wraps? Is it possible for you to engage in social media that doesn’t alert your immediate boss or team to your job search?

TR:       Yes, absolutely. I mean, there are several things that you might do. Clearly if you’re going to keyword optimise your LinkedIn profile and your Google Plus profile, provided you’ve turned off the notifications on LinkedIn that alert everyone that you’re doing that, then you get the upside from having invested in that without it being obvious to anyone else at all what you’ve been doing. One of the things that I do at business schools is have candidates reverse engineer what recruiters would be doing to search for someone for the types of roles that they want to secure, so we’ll go and find a dozen job adverts out there that are very similar to what they’re aspiring to secure, and then we’ll look through those job adverts and look for all the key skills and experience the recruiters are going to be looking for in their shortlist candidates, and then we’ll go through LinkedIn profiles and make sure that the candidates have included as many of those things as they legitimately can do.

That is then maximising the chance that when recruiters search for their ideal candidate on LinkedIn, you as a candidate are going to pop up as one of the potential matches. That’s something as a passive candidate that you can do that has a big impact on more and more of the right people seeing your profile without it being obvious to anyone else. The second thing I would say is, it’s very valid to be networking within your industry. You might network less aggressively with recruiters than a very active job seeker, but you could certainly network and build up a relationship with lots of the influencers and decision makers in your sector as a genuinely valuable business activity. It doesn’t mean that you’re job hunting, it just means that you take your professional presence and your networking in the industry seriously as part of your ability to deliver on the company goals.

LM:      Absolutely, and so if you’re doing this ahead of your job search as well, it kind of gives you an easy way into that period of activity. Finally, I just wanted to ask you about video CVs, because I guess with social media it’s very easy to ping someone a quick video clip showing what you’re all about, so I wanted to ask you whether they’re becoming more prevalent and what the dos and don’ts are.

TR:       There are candidates now who are putting together video CVs as a means of differentiating themselves. Actually I think the bigger driving force is more and more companies investing in video interviewing solutions as the first stage of the selection process, and whilst first impressions you might think, that is a live interview being conducted over a video link, actually a lot of these tools are asking pre-determined questions to candidates and candidates then record responses in their own time, so it’s more like a series of little clips that sell the candidate on being a great candidate, rather than a video interview per se. Certainly there are some big companies out there, and in the UK we’ve got Launchpad Recruits and over in the States you’ve got HireVue and various others that do similar things, and they are making big inroads with large corporates and medium sized companies.

I certainly see that video is going to increasingly play a role in the selection process, but whether it’s the right thing to actually create a video CV is a different matter. Some people will do very well, others less so, and in terms of being found from a keyword perspective, I think the most important thing is still to have a great LinkedIn profile and a great CV, that when people search on LinkedIn or people search on CV databases and companies search on their own ATS systems, you’re likely to pop up as a match for the roles they’re looking to fill.

LM:      I’d agree, so I’d get those things right, first and foremost, and probably as you said, video will work really well for some and not so well for others. If you’re going to do it, I guess you need to play to your advantage and check it really is going to enhance your candidacy rather than detract from it.

TR:       Absolutely.

LM:      Well, Tony, thank you so much, that’s been so helpful. I wonder if you could just give our listeners an idea of how they can connect with you and what further resources are available on Social-Hire site for candidates who are thinking about embarking on a job search or deep in a job search.

TR:       Yes, certainly, so people are very welcome to connect with me. Twitter’s probably the one where you’ll find me most active, so that’s @tonyrestell, so please do connect with me there. If you head over to the Social-Hire website which is, you’ll find links on the home page there to connect with all of our social media, so wherever you’re most active, be that Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, you can connect with us there, and on the home page you’ll see a big button to link through to the candidate blog, and we have there something like 250 or 300 external contributors who are all experts in different elements of the job search and recruiting process who are regularly contributing insights on how to make hires or how to get hired. If you head over there you’ll find a lot of resources that will help you in your job search.

LM:      That’s fantastic. Just to add to that, you can also subscribe to the candidate essentials newsletter, I believe, which I get to my inbox, and that’s really got the pick of the crop of those resources that Tony’s mentioned.

TR:       Absolutely, yes, you’ll find that in the candidates section on the site.

LM:      Okay, well, Tony, thank you so much, that’s been a really insightful Q and A session, so I’m grateful to you for your time and I hope you have a lovely day.

TR:       My pleasure, thanks, and same to you too.

LM:      Thank you.


Professional networking alternatives to LinkedIn – what they are and where to find them

Professional networking alternatives to LinkedIn – what they are and where to find them

When it comes to using social media for professional networking, there’s little doubt that LinkedIn is a force to be reckoned with. Data from Hubspot would suggest that LinkedIn is 277% more effective at generating professional leads than Facebook or Twitter. It is also estimated that 2.74% of traffic that comes into a website from LinkedIn converts to bookings or sales compared to 0.98% of traffic from other social media platforms. This would suggest that when people search for leads through LinkedIn, they’re serious about making connections.

But there’s also no doubt that, like all social media platforms, LinkedIn has its downsides. Although the latest stats suggest that there are 347 million registered users worldwide, many of these may not be active profiles, while other important contacts may not yet be on LinkedIn. There are times when building your network can feel like a slow and time consuming process. Another criticism sometimes levelled at LinkedIn is that you can find your message folder full of spam messages and random requests to join the networks of people who haven’t had the courtesy to introduce themselves.

LinkedIn has some fabulous features but to stop it draining too much of your time – again, like other social media platforms – it’s important to be strategic to make the most of your presence.

But what if LinkedIn doesn’t feel like a good fit? Are there alternatives for anyone who wants to build their professional network, or sites that you could be using as well as LinkedIn? Would you benefit from being more actively involved in an industry-specific network?

We’ve been doing some research and put together a guide to alternatives to LinkedIn below:

Non-industry specific alternatives to LinkedIn


If you are interested in working for a start-up business or you run a start-up business and you’re looking for staff, investors, or support from within the business community, then you may find AngelList a better starting point than LinkedIn.


BranchOut is apparently the world’s largest professional network with over 800 million searchable profiles. BranchOut users utilise their social network from Facebook to discover inside connections for jobs, recruiting, and sales. If you want to tap into the power of your Facebook contacts, BranchOut may be the tool to do it.

College and University Alumni Associations

If you attended college or university, then you may find that its alumni association is a fantastic resource for professional networking. Many alumni associations advertise jobs, provide mentoring, funding opportunities, and much more. You never know who might know someone who knows someone else who’s looking for a person with your skills and experience.


Google+ is potentially an incredible tool for professional networking, combining brevity, communities, and content sharing through a platform that, for professionals, bridges the gap between Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. If you add your profile to Google+, you can be found in Google searches, show off a full public profile with information about what you do, share your content and links to your blog, and much more. You can categorise your contacts into Circles, use live Hangouts to chat with other professionals, and join some thriving networking and industry-specific communities.


According to the latest stats, 890 million people log on to Facebook every single day. Younger adults in the 25-34-year-old demographic have grown up with Facebook in many ways and are much more likely to blur the lines between work and pleasure than their older counterparts. As a result, more and more people are using Facebook to grow their professional network.

It’s a move you should think about carefully. Some people argue that using your Facebook profile to connect with potential employers is a way of showing you’re a fully rounded human being, while others argue that using your Facebook profile exposes you to criticism about your personal life.

If you do decide to use Facebook as an alternative to LinkedIn for professional networking, it’s important to take a close look at your profile and decide whether you would be happy for business contacts and potential employers to see everything you’ve posted. If not, you will need to delete posts you don’t want seen or adapt your privacy settings.

Experts advise that you create a simple profile or clean up your existing one, keeping graphics, widgets, and photos to a minimum. Post content that’s relevant to your job search or career and use the platform for relationship building.


Mahara is an open source web application to build an online portfolio. You can use it to create journals, upload files, embed social media resources from the web, and collaborate with other users in groups. According to the Mahara website, it is “the perfect personal learning environment mixed with social networking, allowing you to collect, reflect on, and share your achievements and development online in a space you control”. If you need an online platform to showcase your portfolio, you might want to check out Mahara.


Meetup is the world’s largest network of local groups; its aim being to revitalise local communities and help bring people together to meet with others who share their interests, passions, and purpose in life. There are a large number of professional networking groups that organise events through Meetup, so this is a great tool if you would like to become involved in face-to-face networking.


Netparty is the ‘worldwide young professionals’ network’. The aim of Netparty is to help young professionals in their 20s, 30s, and early 40s connect and network. Most Netparty events begin with an extended cocktail hour which focuses on business networking and making new connections. The latter half of each event takes on a more social atmosphere. This may not be an alternative to LinkedIn but it could be a good addition to your networking arsenal.


Opprtunity is aimed at individuals looking for sales leads, employment, or job candidates. The site promises ‘a matching algorithm that finds you people who need what you offer’ and says that users only receive alerts when there is a genuine opportunity to do business based on that algorithm. The simple design and registration process (using your email or Facebook account) makes Opprtunity a pleasure to use.

PartnerUp Google+ Community

PartnerUp is a Google+ community ‘focused on the needs of small business owners and entrepreneurs’. The community aims to provide a fantastic networking experience for small businesses and people regularly post opportunities, leads, referrals, or requests to make a connection with other small businesses.


When thinking about professional networking, Pinterest may not be an obvious platform to use. However, there are a growing number of tools on Pinterest designed to help businesses grow their audience, build their reputation, and share content. If you’re an individual jobseeker, Pinterest may not be the right platform for you but if you run a business and are looking to connect with people in your industry, potential employees, or customers, you could use Pinterest to create industry-relevant boards, news boards, portfolio boards, and content that has a professional focus.


As we mentioned at the start of this article, one of the criticisms levelled against LinkedIn is that many of the profiles are out of date or inactive. Plaxo is the world’s largest online address book, storing over 3.7 billion contacts in 50 million address books. The platform works by consolidating the contact information you hold about your network into one synced address book that automatically cleans and updates contact information so that you can keep in touch with your contacts.


Quora is not directly a professional networking website. The aim of Quora is to open questions on any topic to a vast network of people, from experts and authorities to regular people with relevant knowledge. An upside of this is that many people find they are able to make some excellent professional contacts by asking industry- and career-related questions on Quora and starting a conversation with people.


Although it can take a while to wrap your head around Twitter, many experts rate it as their favourite platform for professional networking. Stats would suggest that 12% of people use Twitter to aid their job search, while 90% of companies are engaging with social media activity, especially on Twitter. Although job interviews aren’t going to be conducted in Tweets or 140 characters or less, Twitter is a valuable tool for keeping on top of industry news, networking (look out for Twitter hours dedicated to networking or your industry), and creating a credible online presence. The latter is particularly important as, in July 2014, a survey from CareerBuilder found that 51% of employers check applicants’ social media pages before inviting them for interview.

Visual CV

Visual CV is a free tool that lets you create an online portfolio or personal landing page, which you can publish online or as a PDF. The analytics feature lets you track your CV views, opens and downloads, providing insights into your CV’s performance.

Industry specific alternatives to LinkedIn

For people in specialised industries, it makes sense to build a presence on industry-specific professional networking sites as these sites are focused on connecting people within the same niche or field and can yield more suitable job vacancies and opportunities. Although it’s impossible to cover every industry-specific alternative to LinkedIn here, we’ve put together a list of some of the big hitters:


GitHub is the world’s largest open source community. If you are a software development professional, you can use GitHub to share your projects with the world, get feedback, contribute to projects, and connect with potential collaborators.


If you’re a mechanical engineer, you can become part of the GrabCAD community, create your CAD portfolio and show off your expertise. This is an excellent platform for collaboration and building your reputation within your field.


If you’re a data scientist looking for the next step in your career or you represent an organisation seeking data scientists, then Kaggle is the place to look. Kaggle is the world’s largest community of data scientists, statisticians, and machine learning engineers.

Muck Rack

As well as tracking what journalists are saying about top news stories on social media, Muck Rack is a place for journalists to build an online profile and portfolio to raise their reputation, and track the impact and reach of their articles.


If you are an oil or gas professional, then Oilpro could be the ideal website for you to connect with colleagues, advance your skills, build credibility around your expertise, and explore new career opportunities. Approximately 11,500 industry-specific jobs are featured on the site at any one time and there is a wealth of resources and content on the site aimed at helping you develop your career.

Professional Copywriters’ Network

The Professional Copywriters’ Network is a fantastic tool for copywriters, ghost writers, content writers, and copyeditors to promote themselves and find new clients, or for clients to find the ideal writer for their project.


ResearchGate’s mission is to connect researchers and make it easy to share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise. You can publish your research, connect and collaborate, and find jobs within the research community.


Sortfolio is a website specific to web designers and clients who might be looking to hire web designers. Sortfolio promotes its content to thousands of businesses each month, driving traffic through to web designers’ websites and portfolios.

Stack Overflow

Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It also features a busy ‘Stack Overflow Careers’ section, which aims to help programmers showcase, not only their professional experience, but also their reputation on Stack Overflow and other programming achievements. The company profiles on Stack Overflow aim to give you a better understanding of the ethos of potential employers, while many companies turn to Stack Overflow when they need skilled programmers.

Stage 32

Stage 32 is the world’s largest social network and educational hub for people in film, television and theatre. This is a platform for jobs, collaboration, connections, networking, education, and meetups throughout the world.


Zerply is an online network for the world’s leading production talent in films, games, and TV. If you’re a concept artist, animator, art director, VFX supervisor, or any role connected to bringing films, television and games to life, then this is a fantastic platform to advertise your skills and experience, and find out about projects worldwide.

Do you have a favourite platform for professional networking? Do you use an industry-specific site or an alternative to LinkedIn? We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the Comments below.

My very own prezumé

My very own prezumé

It’s my birthday this week, and how better to celebrate it than by sharing my very own prezumé!

A while ago on the blog, Giraffe CVs examined unusual CVs coming soon to a job hunt near you, discussing some creative methods that jobseekers are using to ensure their applications stand out from the crowd.

It got me thinking about creating my very own, not because I’m looking for a job (I’m very happy in mine), but because (a) I thought it would be fun and (b) it might provide a useful reference point for jobseekers seeking to inject a bit of creativity into their job search.  Although the idea to produce a creative CV of my own had been burning in the background for some time, I should credit an inspirational jobseeker, Paul Duxbury, who inspired me to action with his own recent prezumé.  Thanks Paul!

‘What IS a prezumé?’ I hear you asking.

A prezumé is a combination of a Prezi presentation and a resume.  As Prezi explains here, the prezumé was born by chance, as jobseekers sought a different visual medium to showcase their credentials.

How is a prezumé similar to a traditional CV?

Both need to provide the information that a recruiter is looking for, essentially giving them the reason(s) why they should call you up today and request an interview.

Consider a prezumé as a movie trailer to your CV, it should highlight the key messages you want to get across to a target recruiter and leave them wanting to find out more by reading the full feature.

How is a prezumé different from a traditional CV?

The great thing about a prezumé, along with other creative CVs, is that it provides jobseekers with the opportunity to showcase their personality alongside their skills and experience.

In my view, a creative CV shouldn’t just replicate your formal CV or LinkedIn profile.  The medium presents an opportunity to get funky, tell a story and really engage your target audience.

How to get started with a prezumé

Prezi provides a selection of three helpful templates to suit different tastes and targets.  These present a great easy way to get started.  You can even mix and match template components using the My Collection feature, customising your structure and look for a unique deliverable.

I had a quick look at the templates, but decided to create my own blank Prezi.  Here’s how I did it:

1. I decided on the key points I wanted to include in my prezumé and thought about how to present them in a way that would engage the reader

2. I developed a logical structure for my story

3. I sourced great images to bring my messages to life, using Dollar Photo Club

4. I pulled together my slides in PicMonkey – I love their fonts and features

5. I imported all my finished images slides to PowerPoint

6. I uploaded my PowerPoint to Prezi

7. I shared with a very select group to gauge their reactions then decided to go live!

Prezi have shared some handy hints for an awesome Prezi here.

Would I recommend using a prezumé in your job search?

In some contexts, it just might work!  The new trends in CV writing are unlikely to replace traditional CVs in the short term, but they can definitely complement them.  They’re good for grabbing attention in the right context and showing off some highlights, although the wackier versions are certainly only for the brave and bold.

There is an inherent risk with any kind of creative CV, that what looks and feels great to you may alienate the recruiter (remember, these are busy people for whom time is of the essence).  There’s also a chance that design features on your CV could distract from your key message.

It’s all about knowing your audience and hitting the right tone.